Source code for openl3.core

import os
import tensorflow as tf
import resampy
import traceback
import soundfile as sf
import numpy as np
from numbers import Real
from math import ceil
import warnings
from .models import load_audio_embedding_model, load_image_embedding_model, _validate_audio_frontend
from .openl3_exceptions import OpenL3Error
from .openl3_warnings import OpenL3Warning

TARGET_SR = 48000

def _center_audio(audio, frame_len):
    """Center audio so that first sample will occur in the middle of the first frame"""
    return np.pad(audio, (int(frame_len / 2.0), 0), mode='constant', constant_values=0)

def _pad_audio(audio, frame_len, hop_len):
    """Pad audio if necessary so that all samples are processed"""
    audio_len = audio.size
    if audio_len < frame_len:
        pad_length = frame_len - audio_len
        pad_length = (
            int(np.ceil((audio_len - frame_len)/float(hop_len))) * hop_len 
            - (audio_len - frame_len))

    if pad_length > 0:
        audio = np.pad(audio, (0, pad_length), mode='constant', constant_values=0)

    return audio

def _get_num_windows(audio_len, frame_len, hop_len, center):
    if center:
        audio_len += int(frame_len / 2.0)

    if audio_len <= frame_len:
        return 1
        return 1 + int(np.ceil((audio_len - frame_len)/float(hop_len)))

def _preprocess_audio_batch(audio, sr, center=True, hop_size=0.1):
    """Process audio into batch format suitable for input to embedding model """
    if audio.size == 0:
        raise OpenL3Error('Got empty audio')

    # Warn user if audio is all zero
    if np.all(audio == 0):
        warnings.warn('Provided audio is all zeros', OpenL3Warning)

    # Check audio array dimension
    if audio.ndim > 2:
        raise OpenL3Error('Audio array can only be be 1D or 2D')
    elif audio.ndim == 2:
        # Downmix if multichannel
        audio = np.mean(audio, axis=1)

    if not isinstance(sr, Real) or sr <= 0:
        raise OpenL3Error('Invalid sample rate {}'.format(sr))

    if not isinstance(hop_size, Real) or hop_size <= 0:
        raise OpenL3Error('Invalid hop size {}'.format(hop_size))

    if center not in (True, False):
        raise OpenL3Error('Invalid center value {}'.format(center))

    # Resample if necessary
    if sr != TARGET_SR:
        audio = resampy.resample(audio, sr_orig=sr, sr_new=TARGET_SR, filter='kaiser_best')

    audio_len = audio.size
    frame_len = TARGET_SR
    hop_len = int(hop_size * TARGET_SR)

    if audio_len < frame_len:
        warnings.warn('Duration of provided audio is shorter than window size (1 second). Audio will be padded.',

    if center:
        # Center audio
        audio = _center_audio(audio, frame_len)

    # Pad if necessary to ensure that we process all samples
    audio = _pad_audio(audio, frame_len, hop_len)

    # Split audio into frames, copied from librosa.util.frame
    n_frames = 1 + int((len(audio) - frame_len) / float(hop_len))
    x = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(audio, shape=(frame_len, n_frames),
                                        strides=(audio.itemsize, hop_len * audio.itemsize)).T

    # Add a channel dimension
    x = x.reshape((x.shape[0], 1, x.shape[-1]))
    return x

def _librosa_linear_frontend(audio, n_fft=512, hop_length=242, db_amin=1e-10, 
                             db_ref=1.0, dynamic_range=80.0):
    '''Librosa linear frontend designed to match original Kapre (0.1.4).'''
    import librosa
    S = np.abs(librosa.stft(y=audio, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, center=False))
    S = librosa.power_to_db(S=S, ref=db_ref, amin=db_amin, top_db=dynamic_range)
    S -= S.max()
    return S

def _librosa_mel_frontend(audio, sr, n_mels=128, n_fft=2048, hop_length=242,
                          db_amin=1e-10, db_ref=1.0, dynamic_range=80.0):
    '''Librosa mel frontend designed to match original Kapre (0.1.4).'''
    import librosa
    S = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(
        y=audio, sr=sr, n_mels=n_mels, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length,
        center=True, power=1.0)
    S = librosa.power_to_db(S=S, ref=db_ref, amin=db_amin, top_db=dynamic_range)
    S -= S.max()
    return S

[docs]def preprocess_audio(audio, sr, hop_size=0.1, input_repr=None, center=True, **kw): """ Preprocess the audio into a format compatible with the model. Parameters ---------- audio : np.ndarray [shape=(N,) or (N,C)] or list[np.ndarray] 1D numpy array of audio data or list of audio arrays for multiple inputs. sr : int or list[int] Sampling rate, or list of sampling rates. If not 48kHz audio will be resampled. hop_size : float Hop size in seconds. input_repr : str or None Spectrogram representation used for model. If input_repr, is None, then no spectrogram is computed and it is assumed that the model contains the details about the input representation. center : boolean If True, pads beginning of signal so timestamps correspond to center of window. Returns ------- input_data (np.ndarray): The preprocessed audio. Depending on the value of input_repr, it will be np.ndarray[batch, time, frequency, 1] if a valid input representation is provided, or np.ndarray[batch, time, 1] if no input_repr is provided. """ x = _preprocess_audio_batch(audio, sr, hop_size=hop_size, center=center) # this resamples to 48k if input_repr: if input_repr == 'linear': x = np.stack([_librosa_linear_frontend(xi[0], **kw) for xi in x])[..., None] elif input_repr == 'mel128': x = np.stack([_librosa_mel_frontend(xi[0], TARGET_SR, n_mels=128, **kw) for xi in x])[..., None] elif input_repr == 'mel256': x = np.stack([_librosa_mel_frontend(xi[0], TARGET_SR, n_mels=256, **kw) for xi in x])[..., None] else: raise OpenL3Error('Invalid input representation "{}"'.format(input_repr)) return x
[docs]def get_audio_embedding(audio, sr, model=None, input_repr=None, content_type="music", embedding_size=6144, center=True, hop_size=0.1, batch_size=32, frontend="kapre", verbose=True): """ Computes and returns L3 embedding for given audio data. Embeddings are computed for 1-second windows of audio. Parameters ---------- audio : np.ndarray [shape=(N,) or (N,C)] or list[np.ndarray] 1D numpy array of audio data or list of audio arrays for multiple inputs. sr : int or list[int] Sampling rate, or list of sampling rates. If not 48kHz audio will be resampled. model : tf.keras.Model or None Loaded model object. If a model is provided, then `input_repr`, `content_type`, and `embedding_size` will be ignored. If None is provided, the model will be loaded using the provided values of `input_repr`, `content_type` and `embedding_size`. input_repr : "linear", "mel128", or "mel256" Spectrogram representation used for model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. content_type : "music" or "env" Type of content used to train the embedding model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. embedding_size : 6144 or 512 Embedding dimensionality. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. center : boolean If True, pads beginning of signal so timestamps correspond to center of window. hop_size : float Hop size in seconds. batch_size : int Batch size used for input to embedding model frontend : "kapre" or "librosa" The audio frontend to use. By default, it will use "kapre". verbose : bool If True, prints verbose messages. Returns ------- embedding : np.ndarray [shape=(T, D)] or list[np.ndarray] Array of embeddings for each window or list of such arrays for multiple audio clips. timestamps : np.ndarray [shape=(T,)] or list[np.ndarray] Array of timestamps corresponding to each embedding in the output or list of such arrays for multiple audio cplips. """ if model is not None and not isinstance(model, tf.keras.Model): raise OpenL3Error('Invalid model provided. Must be of type tf.keras.Model' ' but got {}'.format(str(type(model)))) frontend, input_repr = _validate_audio_frontend(frontend, input_repr, model) if str(content_type) not in ("music", "env"): raise OpenL3Error('Invalid content type "{}"'.format(content_type)) if embedding_size not in (6144, 512): raise OpenL3Error('Invalid content type "{}"'.format(embedding_size)) if verbose not in (0, 1): raise OpenL3Error('Invalid verbosity level {}'.format(verbose)) if isinstance(audio, np.ndarray): audio_list = [audio] list_input = False elif isinstance(audio, list): audio_list = audio list_input = True else: err_msg = 'audio must be type list[np.ndarray] or np.ndarray. Got {}' raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(type(audio))) if isinstance(sr, Real): sr_list = [sr] * len(audio_list) elif isinstance(sr, list): sr_list = sr else: err_msg = 'sr must be type list[numbers.Real] or numbers.Real. Got {}' raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(type(sr))) if len(audio_list) != len(sr_list): err_msg = ('Mismatch between number of audio inputs ({}) and number of' ' sample rates ({})') raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(len(audio_list), len(sr_list))) # Get embedding model if model is None: model = load_audio_embedding_model( input_repr, content_type, embedding_size, frontend=frontend) # Collect all audio arrays in a single array batch = [] for x, sr in zip(audio_list, sr_list): x = preprocess_audio( x, sr, hop_size=hop_size, center=center, input_repr=input_repr if frontend == 'librosa' else None) batch.append(x) file_batch_size_list = [x.shape[0] for x in batch] batch = np.vstack(batch) # Compute embeddings batch_embedding = model.predict(batch, verbose=1 if verbose else 0, batch_size=batch_size) embedding_list = [] start_idx = 0 for file_batch_size in file_batch_size_list: end_idx = start_idx + file_batch_size embedding_list.append(batch_embedding[start_idx:end_idx, ...]) start_idx = end_idx ts_list = [np.arange(z.shape[0]) * hop_size for z in embedding_list] if not list_input: return embedding_list[0], ts_list[0] return embedding_list, ts_list
[docs]def process_audio_file(filepath, output_dir=None, suffix=None, model=None, input_repr=None, content_type="music", embedding_size=6144, center=True, hop_size=0.1, batch_size=32, overwrite=False, frontend="kapre", verbose=True): """ Computes and saves L3 embedding for a given audio file Parameters ---------- filepath : str or list[str] Path or list of paths to WAV file(s) to be processed. output_dir : str or None Path to directory for saving output files. If None, output files will be saved to the directory containing the input file. suffix : str or None String to be appended to the output filename, i.e. <base filename>_<suffix>.npz. If None, then no suffix will be added, i.e. <base filename>.npz. model : tf.keras.Model or None Loaded model object. If a model is provided, then `input_repr`, `content_type`, and `embedding_size` will be ignored. If None is provided, the model will be loaded using the provided values of `input_repr`, `content_type` and `embedding_size`. input_repr : "linear", "mel128", or "mel256" Spectrogram representation used as model input. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model with a Kapre frontend. This is required with a Librosa frontend. content_type : "music" or "env" Type of content used to train the embedding model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. embedding_size : 6144 or 512 Embedding dimensionality. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. center : boolean If True, pads beginning of signal so timestamps correspond to center of window. hop_size : float Hop size in seconds. batch_size : int Batch size used for input to embedding model overwrite : bool If True, overwrites existing output files frontend : "kapre" or "librosa" The audio frontend to use. By default, it will use "kapre". verbose : bool If True, prints verbose messages. Returns ------- """ if isinstance(filepath, str): filepath_list = [filepath] elif isinstance(filepath, list): filepath_list = filepath else: err_msg = 'filepath should be type str or list[str], but got {}.' raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(filepath)) if not suffix: suffix = "" # Load model frontend, input_repr = _validate_audio_frontend(frontend, input_repr, model) if not model: model = load_audio_embedding_model(input_repr, content_type, embedding_size, frontend=frontend) audio_list = [] sr_list = [] batch_filepath_list = [] total_batch_size = 0 num_files = len(filepath_list) for file_idx, filepath in enumerate(filepath_list): if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise OpenL3Error('File "{}" could not be found.'.format(filepath)) if verbose: print("openl3: Processing {} ({}/{})".format(filepath, file_idx+1, num_files)) # Skip if overwriting isn't enabled and output file exists output_path = get_output_path(filepath, suffix + ".npz", output_dir=output_dir) if os.path.exists(output_path) and not overwrite: err_msg = "openl3: {} exists and overwriting not enabled, skipping." print(err_msg.format(output_path)) continue try: audio, sr = except Exception: err_msg = 'Could not open file "{}":\n{}' raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(filepath, traceback.format_exc())) audio_list.append(audio) sr_list.append(sr) batch_filepath_list.append(filepath) audio_length = ceil(audio.shape[0] / float(TARGET_SR / sr)) frame_length = TARGET_SR hop_length = int(hop_size * TARGET_SR) num_windows = _get_num_windows(audio_length, frame_length, hop_length, center) total_batch_size += num_windows if total_batch_size >= batch_size or file_idx == (num_files - 1): embedding_list, ts_list = get_audio_embedding( audio_list, sr_list, model=model, input_repr=input_repr, content_type=content_type, embedding_size=embedding_size, center=center, hop_size=hop_size, batch_size=batch_size, frontend=frontend, verbose=verbose) for fpath, embedding, ts in zip(batch_filepath_list, embedding_list, ts_list): output_path = get_output_path(fpath, suffix + ".npz", output_dir=output_dir) np.savez(output_path, embedding=embedding, timestamps=ts) assert os.path.exists(output_path) if verbose: print("openl3: Saved {}".format(output_path)) audio_list = [] sr_list = [] batch_filepath_list = [] total_batch_size = 0
def _preprocess_image_batch(image): """ Preprocesses an image array so that they are rescaled and cropped to the appropriate dimensions required by the embedding model. Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray [shape=(H, W, C) or (N, H, W, C)] 3D or 4D numpy array of image data. If the images are not 224x224, the images are resized so that the smallest size is 256 and then the center 224x224 patch is extracted from the images. Any type is accepted, and will be converted to np.float32 in the range [-1,1]. Signed data-types are assumed to take on negative values. Returns ------- batch : np.ndarray [shape=(N, H, W, C)] 4d numpy array of image data. """ import skimage import skimage.transform if image.size == 0: raise OpenL3Error('Got empty image') # Warn user if image is all zero if np.all(image == 0): warnings.warn('Provided image is all zeros', OpenL3Warning) # Check image array dimension if image.ndim not in (3, 4): raise OpenL3Error('RGB image array can only be 3D or 4D (sequence of videos)') if image.shape[-1] != 3: raise OpenL3Error('Need 3 channel images corresponding to RGB.') if image.ndim == 3: # Add a batch dimension dimension image = image[np.newaxis, ...] if min(image.shape[1], image.shape[2]) < 224: err_msg = ('Image(s) must be at at least as large as 224x224 px. ' 'Got image(s) of size {}x{} px') raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(image.shape[1], image.shape[2])) if image.shape[1] != 224 or image.shape[2] != 224: # If image is not 224x224, rescale to 256x256, and take center # 224x224 image patch, corresponding to what was done in L3 scaling = 256.0 / min(image.shape[1], image.shape[2]) batch = np.zeros((image.shape[0], 224, 224, 3)) for idx, frame in enumerate(image): # Only reshape if image is larger than 256x256 if min(frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]) > 256: try: frame = skimage.transform.rescale(frame, scaling, mode='constant', cval=0, clip=True, preserve_range=False, channel_axis=-1, anti_aliasing=False, anti_aliasing_sigma=None) except TypeError: frame = skimage.transform.rescale(frame, scaling, mode='constant', cval=0, clip=True, preserve_range=False, multichannel=True, anti_aliasing=False, anti_aliasing_sigma=None) x1, x2 = frame.shape[:-1] startx1 = x1//2-(224//2) startx2 = x2//2-(224//2) batch[idx] = frame[startx1:startx1+224,startx2:startx2+224] else: batch = image # Make sure image correct type if batch.dtype in (np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64): batch = skimage.img_as_float32(batch) elif batch.dtype in (np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64): # If unsigned int, convert to range [-1, 1] batch = 2 * skimage.img_as_float32(batch) - 1 # Make sure maximum magnitude is in the range [-1, 1] if np.max(np.abs(batch)) > 1: batch /= np.max(np.abs(batch)) return batch
[docs]def get_image_embedding(image, frame_rate=None, model=None, input_repr="mel256", content_type="music", embedding_size=8192, batch_size=32, verbose=True): """ Computes and returns L3 embedding for given video frame (image) data. Embeddings are computed for every image in the input. Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray [shape=(H, W, C) or (N, H, W, C)] or list[np.ndarray] 3D or 4D numpy array of image data. If the images are not 224x224, the images are resized so that the smallest size is 256 and then the center 224x224 patch is extracted from the images. Any type is accepted, and will be converted to np.float32 in the range [-1,1]. Signed data-types are assumed to take on negative values. A list of image arrays can also be provided. frame_rate : int or list[int] or None Video frame rate (if applicable), which if provided results in a timestamp array being returned. A list of frame rates can also be provided. If None, no timestamp array is returned. model : tf.keras.Model or None Loaded model object. If a model is provided, then `input_repr`, `content_type`, and `embedding_size` will be ignored. If None is provided, the model will be loaded using the provided values of `input_repr`, `content_type` and `embedding_size`. input_repr : "linear", "mel128", or "mel256" Spectrogram representation used for to train audio part of embedding model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. content_type : "music" or "env" Type of content used to train the embedding model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. embedding_size : 8192 or 512 Embedding dimensionality. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. batch_size : int Batch size used for input to embedding model verbose : bool If True, prints verbose messages. Returns ------- embedding : np.ndarray [shape=(N, D)] Array of embeddings for each frame. timestamps : np.ndarray [shape=(N,)] Array of timestamps for each frame. If `frame_rate` is None, this is not returned. """ if model is not None and not isinstance(model, tf.keras.Model): raise OpenL3Error('Invalid model provided. Must be of type tf.keras.Model' ' but got {}'.format(str(type(model)))) if str(input_repr) not in ("linear", "mel128", "mel256"): raise OpenL3Error('Invalid input representation "{}"'.format(input_repr)) if str(content_type) not in ("music", "env"): raise OpenL3Error('Invalid content type "{}"'.format(content_type)) if embedding_size not in (8192, 512): raise OpenL3Error('Invalid content type "{}"'.format(embedding_size)) if verbose not in (0, 1): raise OpenL3Error('Invalid verbosity level {}'.format(verbose)) # Get embedding model if model is None: model = load_image_embedding_model(input_repr, content_type, embedding_size) if isinstance(image, np.ndarray): image_list = [image] list_input = False elif isinstance(image, list): image_list = image list_input = True else: err_msg = 'image must be type list[np.ndarray] or np.ndarray. Got {}' raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(type(image))) if frame_rate is None or isinstance(frame_rate, Real): frame_rate_list = [frame_rate] * len(image_list) elif isinstance(frame_rate, list): frame_rate_list = frame_rate else: err_msg = 'frame rate must be type list[numbers.Real] or numbers.Real. Got {}' raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(type(frame_rate))) if len(image_list) != len(frame_rate_list): err_msg = ('Mismatch between number of image inputs ({}) and number of' ' frame rates ({})') raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(len(image_list), len(frame_rate_list))) batch = [] file_batch_size_list = [] for image, frame_rate in zip(image_list, frame_rate_list): if (frame_rate is not None) and (not isinstance(frame_rate, Real) or frame_rate <= 0): raise OpenL3Error('Invalid frame rate {}'.format(frame_rate)) # Preprocess image to scale appropriate scale x = _preprocess_image_batch(image) batch.append(x) file_batch_size_list.append(x.shape[0]) batch = np.vstack(batch) # Compute embeddings batch_embedding = model.predict(batch, verbose=1 if verbose else 0, batch_size=batch_size) embedding_list = [] ts_list = [] start_idx = 0 for file_batch_size in file_batch_size_list: end_idx = start_idx + file_batch_size embedding = batch_embedding[start_idx:end_idx, ...] embedding_list.append(embedding) if frame_rate is not None: ts = np.arange(embedding.shape[0]) / float(frame_rate) ts_list.append(ts) start_idx = end_idx if frame_rate is not None: if not list_input: return embedding_list[0], ts_list[0] else: return embedding_list, ts_list else: if not list_input: return embedding_list[0] else: return embedding_list
[docs]def process_image_file(filepath, output_dir=None, suffix=None, model=None, input_repr="mel256", content_type="music", embedding_size=8192, batch_size=32, overwrite=False, verbose=True): """ Computes and saves L3 embedding for a given image file Parameters ---------- filepath : str or list[str] Path or list of paths to image file(s) to be processed. output_dir : str or None Path to directory for saving output files. If None, output files will be saved to the directory containing the input file. suffix : str or None String to be appended to the output filename, i.e. <base filename>_<suffix>.npz. If None, then no suffix will be added, i.e. <base filename>.npz. model : tf.keras.Model or None Loaded model object. If a model is provided, then `input_repr`, `content_type`, and `embedding_size` will be ignored. If None is provided, the model will be loaded using the provided values of `input_repr`, `content_type` and `embedding_size`. input_repr : "linear", "mel128", or "mel256" Spectrogram representation used for model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. content_type : "music" or "env" Type of content used to train the embedding model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. embedding_size : 8192 or 512 Embedding dimensionality. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. batch_size : int Batch size used for input to embedding model overwrite : bool If True, overwrites existing output files verbose : bool If True, prints verbose messages. Returns ------- """ import if isinstance(filepath, str): filepath_list = [filepath] elif isinstance(filepath, list): filepath_list = filepath else: err_msg = 'filepath should be type str or list[str], but got {}.' raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(filepath)) # Load model if not model: model = load_image_embedding_model(input_repr, content_type, embedding_size) if not suffix: suffix = "" image_list = [] batch_filepath_list = [] num_files = len(filepath_list) for file_idx, filepath in enumerate(filepath_list): if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise OpenL3Error('File "{}" could not be found.'.format(filepath)) if verbose: print("openl3: Processing {} ({}/{})".format(filepath, file_idx+1, num_files)) # Skip if overwriting isn't enabled and output file exists output_path = get_output_path(filepath, suffix + ".npz", output_dir=output_dir) if os.path.exists(output_path) and not overwrite: print("openl3: {} exists, skipping.".format(output_path)) continue try: image = # Get rid of alpha dimension if image.shape[-1] == 4: image = image[..., :3] except Exception: raise OpenL3Error('Could not open file "{}":\n{}'.format(filepath, traceback.format_exc())) image_list.append(image[np.newaxis, ...]) batch_filepath_list.append(filepath) if len(image_list) >= batch_size or file_idx == (num_files - 1): embedding_list = get_image_embedding( image_list, model=model, input_repr=input_repr, content_type=content_type, embedding_size=embedding_size, verbose=verbose) for fpath, embedding in zip(batch_filepath_list, embedding_list): output_path = get_output_path(fpath, suffix + ".npz", output_dir=output_dir) np.savez(output_path, embedding=embedding) assert os.path.exists(output_path) if verbose: print("openl3: Saved {}".format(output_path)) image_list = [] batch_filepath_list = []
[docs]def process_video_file(filepath, output_dir=None, suffix=None, audio_model=None, image_model=None, input_repr=None, content_type="music", audio_embedding_size=6144, audio_center=True, audio_hop_size=0.1, image_embedding_size=8192, audio_batch_size=32, image_batch_size=32, audio_frontend="kapre", overwrite=False, verbose=True): """ Computes and saves L3 audio and video frame embeddings for a given video file Note that image embeddings are computed for every frame of the video. Also note that embeddings for the audio and images are not temporally aligned. Please refer to the timestamps in the output files for the corresponding timestamps for each set of embeddings. Parameters ---------- filepath : str or list[str] Path or list of paths to video file(s) to be processed. output_dir : str or None Path to directory for saving output files. If None, output files will be saved to the directory containing the input file. suffix : str or None String to be appended to the output filename, i.e. <base filename>_<modality>_<suffix>.npz. If None, then no suffix will be added, i.e. <base filename>_<modality>.npz. audio_model : tf.keras.Model or None Loaded audio model object. If a model is provided, then `input_repr`, `content_type`, and `embedding_size` will be ignored. If None is provided, the model will be loaded using the provided values of `input_repr`, `content_type` and `embedding_size`. image_model : tf.keras.Model or None Loaded audio model object. If a model is provided, then `input_repr`, `content_type`, and `embedding_size` will be ignored. If None is provided, the model will be loaded using the provided values of `input_repr`, `content_type` and `embedding_size`. input_repr : "linear", "mel128", or "mel256" Spectrogram representation used for audio model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model with a Kapre frontend. This is required with a Librosa frontend. content_type : "music" or "env" Type of content used to train the embedding model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. audio_embedding_size : 6144 or 512 Audio embedding dimensionality. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. audio_center : boolean If True, pads beginning of audio signal so timestamps correspond to center of window. audio_hop_size : float Hop size in seconds. image_embedding_size : 8192 or 512 Video frame embedding dimensionality. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. audio_batch_size : int Batch size used for input to audio embedding model image_batch_size : int Batch size used for input to image embedding model audio_frontend : "kapre" or "librosa" The audio frontend to use. By default, it will use "kapre". overwrite : bool If True, overwrites existing output files verbose : bool If True, prints verbose messages. Returns ------- """ from import VideoFileClip if isinstance(filepath, str): filepath_list = [filepath] elif isinstance(filepath, list): filepath_list = filepath else: err_msg = 'filepath should be type str or list[str], but got {}.' raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(filepath)) audio_frontend, input_repr = _validate_audio_frontend(audio_frontend, input_repr, audio_model) # Load models if not audio_model: audio_model = load_audio_embedding_model(input_repr, content_type, audio_embedding_size, frontend=audio_frontend) if not image_model: image_model = load_image_embedding_model(input_repr, content_type, image_embedding_size) audio_suffix, image_suffix = "audio", "image" if suffix: audio_suffix += "_" + suffix image_suffix += "_" + suffix audio_list = [] sr_list = [] audio_batch_filepath_list = [] total_audio_batch_size = 0 image_list = [] frame_rate_list = [] image_batch_filepath_list = [] num_files = len(filepath_list) for file_idx, filepath in enumerate(filepath_list): if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise OpenL3Error('File "{}" could not be found.'.format(filepath)) if verbose: print("openl3: Processing {} ({}/{})".format(filepath, file_idx+1, num_files)) # Skip if overwriting isn't enabled and output file exists audio_output_path = get_output_path(filepath, audio_suffix + ".npz", output_dir=output_dir) image_output_path = get_output_path(filepath, image_suffix + ".npz", output_dir=output_dir) skip_audio = os.path.exists(audio_output_path) and not overwrite skip_image = os.path.exists(image_output_path) and not overwrite if skip_audio and skip_image: err_msg = "openl3: {} and {} exist, skipping." print(err_msg.format(audio_output_path, image_output_path)) continue try: clip = VideoFileClip(filepath, target_resolution=(256, 256), audio_fps=TARGET_SR) audio = images = np.array([frame for frame in clip.iter_frames()]) except Exception: err_msg = 'Could not open file "{}":\n{}' raise OpenL3Error(err_msg.format(filepath, traceback.format_exc())) if not skip_audio: audio_list.append(audio) sr_list.append(TARGET_SR) audio_batch_filepath_list.append(filepath) audio_len = audio.shape[0] audio_hop_length = int(audio_hop_size * TARGET_SR) num_windows = 1 + max(ceil((audio_len - TARGET_SR)/float(audio_hop_length)), 0) total_audio_batch_size += num_windows else: err_msg = "openl3: {} exists, skipping audio embedding extraction." print(err_msg.format(audio_output_path)) if not skip_image: image_list.append(images) frame_rate_list.append(int(clip.fps)) image_batch_filepath_list.append(filepath) else: err_msg = "openl3: {} exists, skipping image embedding extraction." print(err_msg.format(image_output_path)) if (total_audio_batch_size >= audio_batch_size or file_idx == (num_files - 1)) and len(audio_list) > 0: embedding_list, ts_list = get_audio_embedding( audio_list, sr_list, model=audio_model, input_repr=input_repr, content_type=content_type, embedding_size=audio_embedding_size, center=audio_center, hop_size=audio_hop_size, batch_size=audio_batch_size, frontend=audio_frontend, verbose=verbose) for fpath, embedding, ts in zip(audio_batch_filepath_list, embedding_list, ts_list): output_path = get_output_path(fpath, audio_suffix + ".npz", output_dir=output_dir) np.savez(output_path, embedding=embedding, timestamps=ts) assert os.path.exists(output_path) if verbose: print("openl3: Saved {}".format(output_path)) audio_list = [] sr_list = [] audio_batch_filepath_list = [] total_audio_batch_size = 0 if (len(image_list) >= image_batch_size or file_idx == (num_files - 1)) and len(image_list) > 0: embedding_list, ts_list = get_image_embedding( image_list, frame_rate_list, model=image_model, input_repr=input_repr, content_type=content_type, embedding_size=image_embedding_size, batch_size=image_batch_size, verbose=verbose) for fpath, embedding, ts in zip(image_batch_filepath_list, embedding_list, ts_list): output_path = get_output_path(fpath, image_suffix + ".npz", output_dir=output_dir) np.savez(output_path, embedding=embedding, timestamps=ts) assert os.path.exists(output_path) if verbose: print("openl3: Saved {}".format(output_path)) image_list = [] frame_rate_list = [] image_batch_filepath_list = []
[docs]def get_output_path(filepath, suffix, output_dir=None): """ Returns path to output file corresponding to the given input file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to audio file to be processed suffix : str String to append to filename (including extension) output_dir : str or None Path to directory where file will be saved. If None, will use directory of given filepath. Returns ------- output_path : str Path to output file """ base_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] if not output_dir: output_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath) if suffix[0] != '.': output_filename = "{}_{}".format(base_filename, suffix) else: output_filename = base_filename + suffix return os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename)